Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Goodbye Storm
We had to say goodbye to our little gray kitten Storm today. It was very sad. Dr. V, his vet, came out of surgery to see him. She spent hours trying to find a cure for him over the time we had him, but despite his good appetite he continued losing weight. He was 3.75 lbs. but only 2.5 when he died. Dr. V cried a lot.
Three different vets saw him. I think he was taken from his mom too soon. His immune system never developed. He caught something that he could not beat. Although we only had him a little while we loved him very much.
I am very tired of sadness in our lives. I wish I could grant my
family a reprieve. I guess God thought we would love Storm his whole
brief life. He taught me some things about frailty, and weakness which are things I do not deal with well. His death reminds me of the shortness of life and I hope I will see him in heaven. Thanks for those who helped and prayed.
Friday, October 10, 2008
How can I be an Honorable Man of God?
Ten Commandments for Kids
(Exodus 20:1-17)
- Always remember that their is only one God and He has three parts, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. There are NO other gods which are real or alive. Remember first that He loves you and that he will always care for you in life and after death. Remember second that he owns and made Everything. There is no power in the whole world that is not given by God. He holds all the power. No one can stand against him. Obey Him and fear His anger. This is the beginning of being smart.
- All power, life and creation comes from God. So do not worship other gods or anything but the one true God. All other gods are not real. They are simply stories.
- Be careful with God's name. Honor His name above all others.
- Keep Sunday special. Spend time with your family and worshiping God.
- Honor your father and mother. Listen to them and do what they ask the first time. Listen to all adults your parents allow to care for you as if your parents were there. Listen to them and respect them as you listen to and respect your parents. Remember first God's Laws, second your parents rules. If you are asked to do anything which is not what God or your parents would want, don't do it. And tell your parents right away.
- Do not kill, injure, scare or harm other people or pets. Protect those who are weaker than you and can not protect themselves. Always protect and care for women. God has a special place in His heart for them and they share His creative powe with their ability to have babies.
- Keep your marriage promises and be the best husband, wife or parent you can be. Admit when you are wrong, but be slow to point out others faults. You can only truly change yourself and the best way to change others is to be a living example of God's love to them.
- Do not steal.
- Do not lie.
- Do not want more than God has given you or what others have. Be grateful for what you have been given and take care of it. Be happy for others when they win or succeed. Give them praise and do not get mad if they beat you. If you are going to be a great man of God you must try to improve yourself. Whenever you lose or don't have something set your thoughts on trying your best every time and trust that God will care for you always.
What is most important to God?
Mat 22:37-40 Jesus said to him, "'You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.' This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like it: 'You shall love your neighbor as yourself.' On these two commandments hang all the Law and the Prophets."
What is most important to us?
John 3:16 (King James Version)
16For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
Ephesians 6
Children and Parents
1Children, you belong to the Lord, and you do the right thing when you obey your parents. The first commandment with a promise says, 2"Obey your father and your mother, 3and you will have a long and happy life." 4Parents, don't be hard on your children. Raise them properly. Teach them and instruct them about the Lord and His laws.
5But you have forgotten that the Scriptures say to God's children, "When the Lord punishes you,
don't make light of it,
and when He corrects you,
don't be discouraged.
6The Lord corrects the people
He loves
and disciplines those
He calls his own."
7Be patient when you are being corrected! This is how God treats his children. Don't all parents correct their children? 8God corrects all of his children, and if he doesn't correct you, then you don't really belong to him. 9Our earthly fathers correct us, and we still respect them. Isn't it even better to be given true life by letting our spiritual Father correct us?
10 Our human fathers correct us for a short time, and they do it as they think best. But God corrects us for our own good, because He wants us to be holy, as He is. 11It is never fun to be corrected. In fact, at the time it is always painful. But if we learn to obey by being corrected, we will do right and live at peace.
12Now stand up straight! Stop your knees from shaking 13and walk a straight path. Then lame people will be healed, instead of getting worse.
The rules of our homeEach Day has 6 points
Each point is worth 25 cents
School Suspension Punishment
All Bionicles in timeout
All Acceleracers in timeout
Must sleep in your own bed alone
All video and computer games in timeout
No TV, or movies while on suspension
Raven's Jersey in timeout
Suspended gets 1/2 hour timeout each suspension day
Days on suspension have to do 1/2 hour reading, 1/2 hour math, 1/2 hour writing, 1/2 hour spelling 1/2 hour science
When you get off of suspension you can get your things out of timeout
Safety / Gentle Words
Gentle words is speaking politely and respectfully to others. Words have great meaning. Our words can heal, and they can destroy. Healing and kindness is what God wants us to show.
Safety / Gentle Hands
Gentle hands means not hitting, punching, kicking, biting or choking to others or yourself.
Having gentle hands always gets 2 points
Not having gentle hands gets 1/2 hour timeout no video or computer games for 1 day
Safety Man
Safety Man means listening to adults and not doing unsafe things like jumping off high tables, chairs, tot-lots, etc.
Super Safety Man always gets 1 point.
Not listening gets no rewards.
Hurting others always needs apology and amends.
Broken items must ALWAYS be replaced.
Always be polite. Any fool can and will have bad manners. Do have friends who are fools.